

Release anxiety, feel SAFE in your body, and finally answer the question:
"Wtf am I doing here?!"

3 weeks to bounce back from stress 10x faster + be genuinely kind to yourself + start living life to the fullest!


Picture it: 

A potential client ghosts you…

Your partner shuts down and walks away from you in the middle of an argument…

and to top it off?

You open up Instagram and see something tragic af happened in the world (again)... 

Do you...?

Feel instantly overwhelmed, 

and full of self-doubt…so you binge-eat pizza and watch TV to distract yourself (anything to avoid sitting with these feelings)

Book your
second yoga class

of the day (!!), attempt to journal your feelings…and even though it kinda helps, you honestly still feel pretty defeated...

Take a deep breath...

and feel 100% confident about what to do next. You implement THE RIGHT method for this particular feeling…and within minutes, you’re feeling grounded, clear, and like yourself again.

Anything other than C?

Then, my love…you’re in the right place!

It's SO possible to...

→ Master your emotions + confidently handle triggers (minus the overwhelm)

→ Take aligned action every day toward your dreams (goodbye self-sabotage!)

→ Show up with authenticity, boldness, and POWER in business, on social media, with friendships & family.

→ Meet crunchy moments with ease - using them as a catalyst for growth, success, and abundance.

→Feel grounded, centered, and able to lead with calm resilience - no matter what life throws your way.

But right now...

→ You get sucked into downward spirals of stress, anxiety, doubt, overwhelm, or shame that take you…
foreverrrrrrrr to get out of. 

→ You loop in cycles of self-doubt and self-sabotage…

“Am I ready yet?”

“Is what I want really possible?" 

"Do I have what it takes?"

you wonder to yourself…as you procrastinate, scroll, and compare yourself to others.

→ You don’t know how to set strong boundaries with other people and their energy depletes, drains, or overwhelms you.

→ You overthink yourself dizzy and feel disconnected from your heart and your authenticity. 

→ You feel uninspired and stuck…and you’re so freaking ready to breakthrough.

Deep down, you know the life you dream of 

requires that you learn to manage difficult emotions with ease and resilience.  

The career, marriage, community, and love you want to build will require that you become resilient in the face of discomfort.

Because the triggers, mistakes, uncertainty, and the curveballs life will throw at you?

They are inevitable.

It’s life, baby! And life is going to keep on life-ing, whether we like it or not.

What determines your success is whether you shrink or rise in the face of discomfort.

When you join EFF, you will...

→ Handle tough emotions like a pro—no more getting stuck in a never-ending loop of anxiety, doubt, or overwhelm. You’ll bounce back 10x faster and be in control of your life.

→ Feel like you’ve got superpowers when faced with triggers. Instead of freaking out, you’ll know *exactly* how to ground yourself and move through it like a boss.

→Take action toward your dreams without second-guessing yourself, stressing out, or being paralyzed by fear. You’ll feel clear, focused, and unstoppable.

→ Trust yourself to make the right decisions, knowing you've got this. 

→ Lead every moment with confidence, purpose, and power.

Emotional resilience is not talent or luck. 

It’s a learnable skill.

This is the course that they did not teach us in school as kids. 

This is course contains the  framework I used to go from a walking trigger of stress & anxiety to the successful leader I am today - running 3 businesses, working with hundreds of clients per year, and managing teams all while enjoying a beautiful partnership, feeling supported by a loving community of soul family, and making a positive impact on the world. 

If you have ever been interested in my work - this course is the perfect introduction.


Here's what you can expect:

Module 1: Awareness

Identify and understand your triggers.

Module 2: Alchemy

Transform your emotional responses.

Module 3: Ascension

Embody resilience and rise above emotional reactivity.



  • 3 weeks of curriculum
  • Weekly coursework to integrate the learnings
  • Custom meditations for somatic and subconscious reprogramming
  • Lifetime access to all material within the course

"After working with Nicole, I feel a tremendous change in how I speak to myself and how I live my life. I am more present and feel equipped to not only cope with but also embrace and trust my emotions as they arise."

- Ana G

"Thanks to Nicole, I now have tools at hand that hold me, steer me and give me security. I can confidently deal with my emotions and negative thoughts. This gives me so much freedom and strength. I have never felt so connected to myself."

- Natalie V

"This is the best investment I’ve made so far. And trust me, I’ve tried so many different things."

- Kripa P

Meet your mentor,

Nicole Brennan


Nicole Brennan is an empowerment + leadership coach and medicine woman who helps change-makers, cycle-breakers, and visionaries break free from self-doubt and self-sabotage so that they can step into a greater purpose with more impact. She guides immersive sound ceremonies, is the founder of The Liberation Code™, and has organically grown her audience to over 150,000 community members. 

Her work is the bridge between mind and heart, east and west, science and spirit. She specializes in leading clients through experiential transformation that is felt and deeply embodied - rather than talked about, thought about, or scrolled about. She teaches courses and guides workshops and experiential journeys all over the world. She was born in Argentina, currently lives in Los Angeles with her husband, John Downs, and spends every summer dancing and DJing in the desert at Burning Man, her favorite place on earth.



  • 3 weeks of curriculum
  • Weekly coursework to integrate the learnings
  • Custom meditations for somatic and subconscious reprogramming
  • Lifetime access to all material within the course

"I feel a sense of calm and I am at peace with myself, all because I have learned to trust myself. I know that I can now hold space for uncertainty and difficult emotions if they arise…and with that allow myself to be guided - instead of focusing all my energy on having to have everything urgently figured out. To any one thinking about signing up - lean in, trust and DO IT!"

- Naina K

"I no longer see myself as something to fix or my life as something to fill. I know how to love and hold myself in all my humanness. Little and big shifts are rippling into my life. I am much more at peace in my mind. I'm moving through things that normally make me feel stuck and powerless with compassion and hope. I'm trusting the bigger picture and letting go of the need to control. I'm taking steps in my business vs feeling frozen and fearing failure."

- Mattie A